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Let me demystify the tech and the pipeline.

Donal Casey

Designer of sophisticated applications and creative solutions.

Senior Consultant at Intevity | Co-Founder, Creative Technologist Consultant at ORDO Design LLC

Programing PHP/C#/JS/BASH/Py




Communicating with Clients


Architecture Audits presented with clarity. Take charge of foundational issues to unblock your roadmap.

Let me help organize your idea. Deliver to market quickly and with great care.

Don Dev

Software Architect



Item No. 01


I’ve spent a lot of time doing WordPress. Straight forward to pushing the limits with custom component driven, page-builder approach. Multi-site and internationalization. Headless and beyond.

Item No. 02


Drupal is a special love of mine. I think of it as the Sitecore of PHP/open source CMSs. Let’s talk about nodes!

Item No. 03


I have spent time learning it, getting certified in it, provided creative cutting edge solutions with it, and at a point in my career to tell you I can do the same for you in Drupal or WP.

Item No. 04

#! /usr/bin/bash

Whatever the delivery, you likely need peripheral development, such as a continuous integration, bundling, data analysis and more. I thrive in data migrations, and custom scripting.